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Getting Started

Provisioning all instances

Clone this repository on your local machine. Install ansible and run the provision command:

# copy configuration for our inventory, Specify ip of all prepared servers
cp provision/inventory.ini.example provision/inventory.ini
# Just run the provision shit
bin/smart-house-provision server

Configuring main HomeAssistant instance

Before starting smart house instance, there is a few things to do. Go to /smart-house directory and edit all .env files:

ssh <ssh-user>@<target-ip>
cd /smart-house

# Edit configuration under .env files
nano .env.crontab
nano .env.grafana
nano .env.influxdb
nano .env.pihole
nano .env.postgresql
nano .env.nextcloud
nano .env.plex
nano .env.home-assistant

# Generate mosquitto user and password
smart-house add-mosquitto-user home-assistant
# Add it to our .env.home-assitant
nano .env.home-assistant

# Configure your zones
cp home-assistant/components/zones.yaml.example home-assistant/components/zones.yaml
nano home-assistant/components/zones.yaml

# Start home assistant instance
smart-house start

# set key overwritewebroot to match your domain: (
nano /smart-house/.docker/data/nextcloud/config/config.php

# Generate long living token using home assistant panel
nano appdaemon/appdaemon.yaml # paste code here
smart-house restart

# Configure know devices
nano home-assistant/known_devices.yaml
smart-house restart
